NEW WriteTouch Health Connect™ ATT/ DR Referral Portal
Tired of printing off patient notes and then either faxing or sending by courier to your referring attorneys?
The attorney/Doctor Portal solves this problem
Links & Integration
​Love your curring billing solution? If we don't already have a link, we'll build one! Need a billing system? We have several integrated links already developed and available through our WriteLinks and Electronic FeeSlip modules.
WritePadâ„¢ Program Modules
WritePadâ„¢ Program Modules offer a rich suite of add-ons to create a secure, paperless environment for your staff and clinic.
With options such as the Electronic Filing Cabinet, Virtual Physician's Assistant and FeeSlip our clinics experience improved efficency and increased revenues.
WriteTouchHealth™ Portal
The all new WriteTouchHealth™ patient portal provides a simple way for providers connect with their patients while meeting several 2016 Meaningful Use measures with ease.
Includes secure messaging through online intake forms, direct messaging to other providers, and the ability to create, esign and upload clinical summaries - all fully integrated from within WritePad™.
WritePad was one of the first EHRs to built a seamless link with DrFirst to provide our providers with the ability to ePrescribe - including controlled substances.
Not a prescribing physician? We have the option of eRx Check to allow you to easily complete medication reconcilliation and check drug:drug and drug:herb interactions.
Patient Education
We know how important it is in the rehab industry for patients to understand their diagnosis and plan of care​. Add your own files or connect to the National Library of Medicine for provider and patient education documents straight from WritePad™! Our newest version includes updated features provide flexibility to create patient education based on several factors: diagnosis, medication, lab tests, or any combination